Cognitive configurations developed by students of the system of equations 2x2 in time of pandemic
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In 2020, a global pandemic caused by COVID-19 began, which implied the need to make a change in the teaching modality in primary and secondary school education. With this, the interest arises in investigating the learning process of a specific mathematical object: systems of 2x2 linear equations. In this study, a questionnaire is proposed that was administered to 4th grade students from a school in the commune of Lampa, in the city of Santiago, Chile. These students studied this mathematical object during the pandemic online. To carry out this research, the OntoSemiotic Approach (OSA) was used as a theoretical framework, which allowed for a detailed analysis of the primary mathematical objects of the students' responses. The methodology used is qualitative, with a descriptive methodological design, since the responses were described by comparing the Epistemic Configuration of the questionnaire, which allowed the responses to be categorized through the Cognitive Configurations given by the theoretical framework. The study concludes that there is a disparity between both configurations and that this may be due to the virtual teaching modality used in the pandemic.
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